Sunday, February 10, 2008

Vinyl Records Are Doing Just Fine, Thank You

Digital music sales are up and CD sales are down, but oddly enough vinyl LPs are holding their own in today's music market. The CBS Sunday Morning show did a segment on the resurgence of vinyl, interviewing two firms that press vinyl records (one of them in Brooklyn) and examining the factors leading to vinyl's success.

One of these factors is the perceived higher sound quality of a record over a CD or digital download. The retro appeal of vinyl could also be a factor, as well as the related desire for a physical record and even cover art and liner notes that are bigger than the shrunk-down CD inserts.

I wrote about the rebound in vinyl sales back in the summer, and the pace seems to have picked up since then, if anything. The Sunday Morning report mentioned that actually has a section of its online store devoted just to vinyl, even though the company also started selling digital download of music last year.

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