"The Lost Podcast with Jay and Jack," featuring the father-and-son team of Jay and Jack Glatfelter, is planning on doing "Lost" podcasts for the indefinite future with "re-watch" podcasts devoted to reviewing previous seasons of the show. Fans of Jay and Jack will also be able to hear one or another of the duo and its friends on shows including "The Jay and Jack Podcast" and "The Married Man Podcast," and their writings and videos on Yublog and NuDia.tv.
"The Transmission," created by the husband-and-wife duo of Ryan and Jen Ozawa, will also continue beyond the run of the TV show, at least for a little while. The couple, who live in Hawaii and have brought a local flavor in terms of identifying locations and sightings of film shoots, will do wrap-up of the final "Lost" episode on May 30th, and a show covering the entire series sometime after they. They've indicated they may do some future "Lost" re-watch podcasts, and they emphasize that their blog at "The Transmission" Web site will remain up for viewer/listener comments.
Ryan and Jen also do the "Hawaii Up" podcast, and this summer will be starting up a new pop-culture podcast called "Popspotting" that will cover movies, books, TV, and music.
While I'll miss having these podcasts to analyze each new episode of "Lost," I'm glad to know I'll still be able to hear the familiar voices of these podcasters on a regular basis. It's good to see that they've gotten some well-deserved attention in the mass media in recently articles on the ending of "Lost," including the L.A. Times (Jay and Jack) and the New York Times (Ryan and Jen).
And of course there's plenty of speculating on what will be in the "Lost" finale, as addressed in questions to executive producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse.
The two-and-a-half-hour "Lost" finale airs at 9 p.m. Eastern, but will be preceded by two hours of recap shows.
And now, in honor of the "Lost" finale, some random lost wackiness that I've encountered on the Web the last few days:
* a photo gallery of "Lost" cakes
* Kevin Garnett explains the island to teammate "Big Baby" Davis on the Celtics' bench:
'Lost' audio: Garnett explains the island to 'Big Baby' from The Basketball Jones on Vimeo.
* the entire "Lost" series, explained in one minute by cats:
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